Do topical treatments like Rogaine work for a receding hairline?

A receding hairline is a common issue faced by many men.  The reasons for this can range from aging to hormones, genetics, and even disease.  The most important first step is to consult with a doctor to determine the cause of your hair loss and what options are available to you.  Those afflicted with receding hairlines often turn to topical treatments such as Rogaine to help stop hair loss and promote hair regrowth.

Rogaine is an FDA approved topical hair loss treatment, also known as Minoxidil.  

Consistency is key in achieving the desired results with a topical treatment program, as well as using a complete treatment system that takes into account the many factors that can be involved in hair loss.  A receding hairline can be caused by lack of nutrition, stress, and harsh products.  A truly successful hair loss treatment takes all of these factors into account and provides a comprehensive solution.

Rogaine, however, is not a permanent solution to hair loss, and must be used on an ongoing basis to continue achieving results.  Hair transplant surgery provides the only permanent result of restoring a receding hairline because the transplanted hair is already resistant to the DHT hormone that causes hair loss in the first place.  What makes a hair restoration different is the attention to artistry in the recreation of a natural looking hairline that makes the restored hair indistinguishable from one’s original hair.

Dr. Brandon Ross utilizes FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and robotic FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) techniques to provide the best results based on the needs of the patient.  In an FUT hair transplant surgery, a strip of donor area is removed in order to harvest a large amount of hair follicles.  This allows for the greatest number of grafts to be transplanted in a single session.  In an FUE hair transplantation, individual follicles are removed from the scalp randomly so there will be slightly less density in the donor area, but most say this is hardly noticeable.  This technique is ideal when smaller amounts of hair grafts are needed.  However, FUE is constantly evolving and is now considered an effective option for even larger transplantation areas.  Both FUT and FUE provide a permanent solution to hair loss.

To determine which hair loss treatment is best for your needs, schedule a complimentary consultation with a Dr. Brandon Ross

About Brandon Ross MD